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Jessica Kalip

Hi there! Welcome to my portfolio website!

I’m Jessica Kalip, a Full-Stack Developer with 2 years of programming experience. I transitioned from consulting to a programming career with the Le Wagon full-stack web development bootcamp in Bali (June 2021) and have continued on to work full-time (Jan 2022 - Jul 2023), and then freelance (August 2023 - January 2024) for Collato, an AI Product Assistant startup based in Berlin.

I am currently open to full-time positions as a Full-Stack Web Developer and am looking to create impactful products in a company with supportive teammates, and a fun learning environment!

Over the past 2 years, I’ve learnt and grown so much as a developer with Collato, working on features in their main app, tackling pesky bugs, as well as being responsible for maintaining and rebranding their Landing Page.

Examples of some of the tasks I undertook during my time with Collato were writing end-to-end tests in Cypress, unit tests with Jest, developing their Version History feature, setting up the Storybook Component Library, setting up Gatsby Live Preview to aid the growth team in visualising changes before it goes live, making the app mobile-responsive, as well as creating the Podcast page on our Landing Page.

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My Tech Stack includes

Programming Languages: Javascript / Ruby / Python
Front End Frameworks: React / Next.js / Gatsby / Ruby on Rails / Typescript / Zustand / Redux / Storybook Component Library / Styled Components / Tailwind CSS / HTML / CSS / Bootstrap
Back End Frameworks: Sanity CMS / Apollo / GraphQL / TypeORM / RDS / PostgreSQL
Testing Frameworks: Cypress / Jest
Others: Segment / Google Analytics / Hubspot

I’m currently learning Blender with this comprehensive course as I hope to make beautiful visuals to incorporate into my websites, and maybe one day I’ll get to create amazing games and videos, who knows!

Whenever I’m not coding, you’ll find me hanging out with my dogs (or anyones dogs…) 🐶, enjoying ALL of Taylor Swift’s 🎤 albums on my new vinyl record player, or diving in Bali 🐠! My other passions include traveling around the world, learning new languages, and figuring out where the best foods are.

Languages I speak (or try to…): English (native) | Indonesian (decent enough) | Chinese (decent enough) | German (B2) | Spanish (A2)

If you are interested in my current work, and would like to have me onboard for your next project, please contact me through one of the platforms below!

Check out my projects here!